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The Vimeo integration for Agility CMS allow editors to seamlessly associate Vimeo videos with their Agility content.
The Vimeo integration utilizes a custom field which can be added to any Content Model or Page Module. It renders as a field in the content input form and allows editors to enter a Vimeo ID.
Once a Vimeo video is connected, the metadata for the video including its Title, Description, Thumbnail, Author, Duration and Preview are copied and saved as a value of the field in Agility. This means you can override the Title or Description to be different that the Vimeo's source, and display it how you'd like in your digital solution.
You can update the Title or Description field and those values will be saved in Agility - associated with the Vimeo video. This allows you to retain your own values related to the video.
Updating the Title or Description will not update the Title and Description in Vimeo itself.
You can also decide to Refresh the Title and Description to pull the latest values from Vimeo by clicking the Refresh button.
In order to use this integration, some set up is required.
In order to use the Vimeo field, you'll need to register it in your custom fields script file that is connected to your Agility CMS instance.
Log in to your Agility CMS instance and navigate to UI Extensions.
You may or may not already have a Custom Fields Script URL defined. If you have an existing JavaScript file defined, then you'll want to append the following contents to that file:
var baseUrl = "https://agility.github.io/CustomFields/";
var VimeoVideoFormField = function () {
var self = this;
self.Label = "Vimeo Video";
self.ReferenceName = "VimeoVideo";
self.Render = function (options) {
/// <summary>
/// The Render handler for this field. Create any elements and bindings that you might need, pull down resources.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="options" type="ContentManager.Global.CustomInputFieldParams">The options used to render this field.</param>
//set the related fields
var titleField = "VideoTitle";
//get our base element
var selector = ".vimeo-video";
var $pnl = $(selector, options.$elem);
* -> get the html template to render the selected video (including the iframe)
* -> when empty, displays a text field that accepts a video ID
* -> template will load an emebed of the video, along with the Title, Description and Thumbnail
* -> actions will include: Remove and Refresh
if ($pnl.size() == 0) {
//pull down the html template and load it into the element
$.get(baseUrl + "vimeo/vimeo-field.html",
function (htmlContent) {
$pnl = $(selector, options.$elem);
//bind our viewmodel to this
var viewModel = new (function () {
var self = this;
//our model
self.defaultBinding = {
video_id: ko.observable(null),
title: ko.observable(null),
description: ko.observable(null),
html: ko.observable(null),
thumbnail_url: ko.observable(null),
duration: ko.observable(null),
author_name: ko.observable(null),
self.fieldBinding = ko.observable(null);
//init a default if null
if (
options.fieldBinding() == null ||
options.fieldBinding() == ""
) {
var copy = self.defaultBinding;
self.fieldBinding(copy); //init defaults
} else {
//set observables on the existing binding properties
var existingBinding = ko.mapping.fromJSON(options.fieldBinding());
//whenever any sub-property in the fieldBinding changes update the main field binding in the model
ko.computed(function () {
return ko.mapping.toJSON(self.fieldBinding);
}).subscribe(function () {
var fieldBindingJSON = ko.mapping.toJSON(self.fieldBinding());
self.oEmbedAPI = "https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json";
self.videoUrlFormat = "https://vimeo.com/##videoKey##";
self.videoUrl = function () {
//format the request url
var videoUrl = self.videoUrlFormat.replace(
return videoUrl;
self.thumbnailUrlSmall = ko.computed(function () {
//returns a small thumbnail to display in the manager
var thumb = self.fieldBinding().thumbnail_url();
if (thumb != null) {
thumb = thumb.replace("_1280", "_320");
return thumb;
self.formattedDuration = ko.computed(function () {
//returns a formatted duration
var duration = self.fieldBinding().duration();
if (duration != null) {
duration = duration + " (seconds)";
return duration;
self.removeVideo = function () {
//confirms if user wants to remove video, if so clear all values
"Do you wish to remove this Video?",
"Remove Video",
name: "Remove",
defaultAction: true,
callback: function () {
name: "Cancel",
cancelAction: true,
callback: function () {
//do nothing...
self.isVideoSet = ko.computed(function () {
if (
self.fieldBinding().video_id() != null &&
self.fieldBinding().html() != null
) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
self.refreshVideo = function () {
"Refreshing will overwrite all Video data in Agility with the latest content from Vimeo. Are you sure you want to refresh the content?",
"Refresh Video",
name: "Refresh",
defaultAction: true,
callback: function () {
name: "Cancel",
cancelAction: true,
callback: function () {
//do nothing...
self.getOEmbed = function () {
var reqUrl =
self.oEmbedAPI + "?url=" + self.videoUrl() + "&callback=?";
$.getJSON(reqUrl, function (response) {
//refresh the bindings
//look for a Title field in the input form to copy the title to (really only used for the grid view)
if (options.contentItem.Values[titleField]) {
}).fail(function () {
"Could not retrieve a Vimeo Video with the ID of '" +
self.fieldBinding().video_id() +
"'. Please ensure you have the correct ID and the video has not been deleted.",
"Vimeo Error",
name: "OK",
defaultAction: true,
callback: function () {
//do nothing
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, $pnl.get(0));
ContentManager.Global.CustomInputFormFields.push(new VimeoVideoFormField());
If you do not have a Custom Fields Script URL file defined, then create a new JavaScript file (i.e. custom-fields.js
) using a text editor and upload this file to any public URL. The easiest way to do this is to upload the file as an Asset in the CMS and reference it by URL.
In order to use Vimeo field, you need to have a Content Model or a Page Module in Agility CMS that utilizes this new field type.
To add the Vimeo Field to any Content Model:
Next, create some content using your Content Model.
Now that you've set up the field and allow editors to reference Vimeo videos, the next thing you'll need to do is actually output this content in your digital solution (i.e website or app).
The value for a Vimeo field will be a JSON
string returned from the Content Fetch or GraphQL API.
To use the value, you'll need to parse this into a readable object you can access in your programming langauge. In JavaScript, this can easily be accomplished using the JSON.parse(vimeoFieldValue)
"description":"Hundreds of motorbikes are animated frame by frame in this homage to the iconic motorcycle design and culture of the 1950s and 60s. A rider prepares his bike and departs on an idealised journey into the countryside and into the future.\n\n\"Ride\" is this week's Staff Pick Premiere, read more about it here: https://vimeo.com/blog/post/ride-by-paul-bush/\n\nPaul's website: http://www.paulbushfilms.com/",
"html":"<iframe src=\"https://player.vimeo.com/video/572113578?h=fec493346d&app_id=122963\" width=\"426\" height=\"240\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen title=\"Ride\"></iframe>",
"author_name":"paul bush"
If you want to render a video embed of the Vimeo video, you can use the html
property from the value which contains the <iframe>