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Creating a site that’s Optimized for Search Engines (SEO) is the combined responsibility of both the Developer creating and structuring the site as well as the Editors creating content for the site.
Agility helps streamline this process by providing some built-in fields as part of our Page Management to empower Developers to use them and give Editors a consistent place to manage them. For best results they should be used whenever possible.
To access SEO options while editing a page click the Target icon found below Properties in the right-hand panel.
HTML element which supplies the Page Title that will be display in a Web Browser tab and in Search Engine results.<head>
of the HTML document.While you can use these fields manually to set specific SEO content, you may find it easier to auto-generate some of this content like Open-Graph tags by using existing structured content. For example, let's say you want to generate a Twitter card. A Twitter card is comprised of a title, description, and image. You may already have fields on your content that can be used for this.
A developer can then auto-generate these tags (and more) using your existing content that is stored on other fields.
Search engines have introduced the concept of canonical links in an attempt to solve the problem of duplicate data in their search results. The basic problem is that multiple links to the same content can vary in style, thereby creating duplicate instances in the results pages of a search. The variation in style could be really simple like these:
All of these links produce the same content, and would be considered different by a search engine and would, therefore, produce duplicate results. Consider a more complex example:
Again, all of these links essentially lead to the same content. The variances defined by the query string parameter only alter the way content is displayed, and not the intrinsic nature of the content itself. We, therefore, want to avoid having all four examples showing up in Google, if possible.
The first is to always use absolute URLs in links - a consistent approach to linking reduces duplicates on the site and reduces the variance of links found by the search engine's crawler.
The second is to use a canonical link - this would be added to the head element of a page and contain a URL that is considered to be the 'true' path to the content. In the e-commerce style example above, the link element would look like this: <link rel="canonical" href="http://www.fishing.ca/shop/rods.aspx" />This means that however, a crawler reached the page, it would know that the content is the same as defined in the page found at the http://www.fishing.ca/shop/rods.aspx and would therefore not index it separately.
In summary, using canonical links will help us build better search-engine optimized sites; but we shouldn't stop doing the basics like using proper absolute urls and building good site maps etc. There's still more research to do on all of this!
Further Reading