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Schedule Content Changes
For scheduling in our new UI see
Scheduling your content to either be released in the future or pulled automatically on a certain date allows you to easily manage time-sensitive content.
This can be very useful for campaigns and other content releases. No more staying-up past midnight to publish content.
How to Schedule Content
In this tutorial, you will learn step by step how to schedule content changes in your Agility CMS Instance.
Step One: Click "Content"
Step Two: Click content list containing the item which you want to schedule changes for
Step Three: Click Content Item which you want to schedule changes for
Step Four: Click "Scheduling"
Step Five: Click checkbox to the left of "Enable Scheduling"
Step Six: Fill form and click "Save"
Release Date
If the item is not yet live on the website (eg: it has never been published, or it was unpublished) than this item will not be shown on the website until the Release Date passes.
If there is already a published version of this item that is currently live on the site, and you schedule this item to be released in the future, the previous item version will STAY live on the site until the release date passes and the new version is displayed.
If you do NOT want the currently published version of an item to stay on the website while you are waiting for the release date to pass, simply Unpublish the item to take it down from the site, and then schedule the new version of it with the release date you require in the future.
Pull Date
Set the pull date on an item to have it taken down from the site on a given date and time.
Note that because of caching, there may be up to a 15-minute delay before an item is pulled or released to the site. If you need up to the minute precision, you should contact your implementation partner to ensure the cache can be cleared for your content to be released at that moment.