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The Power Fields app brings 3 new field types to Agility:
In order to use an App in Agility, you need to install it in your instance. You can do this from the Marketplace under Settings > Apps.
After Installing the Power Fields App, you can create Content Models or Page Modules to use the various field types it provides.
The Block Editor is based on editor.js , and as such supports several types of input, including headers, plain text, images, lists, tables, and more. This is a great option to allow your editors lots of rich control without asking them to know a lot of HTML and CSS.
Each Power Field app stores content in a different way.
The Friendly URL field simply stores a plain text slug, so you can treat it like any other text field.
The Markdown field stores a plain text markdown value. Any markdown to html converter can be used to output this value in a browser.
The Block Editor field stores a JSON array value with an element in the array for each block. Each block should be rendered on the website individually based on it's type. Here's a link to the React component that we use on this site to output block editor values.