A Deep Dive into Agility CMS APIs

Harmonie Poirier
Harmonie Poirier
Dec 5, 2023
All of Agility CMS' APIs

Agility CMS stands out as a versatile content management system, offering a trifecta of APIs — Content Fetch, Content Management, and Content Sync. In this comprehensive exploration, we'll unravel the capabilities of each API, with a special focus on GraphQL.

Agility Content Fetch API: Fueling Dynamic Experiences


The Content Fetch API is the engine behind retrieving content from Agility CMS. It caters to a broad spectrum of applications, from web development to mobile integration. With this API, developers can craft dynamic and personalized experiences by seamlessly pulling content from Agility CMS.

Use Cases

  1. Dynamic Web Content: Fetch and display content dynamically, enhancing user experiences on websites.

  2. Mobile App Integration: Integrate Agility content effortlessly into mobile applications.

  3. Content Syndication: Distribute and syndicate content across diverse digital platforms.

How It Works

Operating through HTTP requests, the Content Fetch API delivers content in JSON format. Developers can tailor queries to fetch specific content based on parameters, ensuring a finely tuned response. This flexibility is crucial for adapting content to varying platforms and user scenarios.

Content Management API: Orchestrating Content Operations


The Content Management API takes center stage when programmatically managing content in Agility CMS. This API supports an array of operations, offering a robust toolkit for content imports, updates, and integrations.

Supported Methods

  • Approve Content: Greenlight content items seamlessly.

  • Decline Content: Reject content items to maintain quality and relevance.

  • Delete and Publish Content: Manage the lifecycle of content efficiently.

  • Request Approval: Initiate approval processes for content items.

  • Media Management: Retrieve, upload, and delete media assets.

  • URL Redirection and Webhooks: Manage URL redirections and set up webhooks for automated notifications.

Use Cases

  1. Customized Workflows: Implement tailored content workflows and approval processes.

  2. Programmatic Content Imports: Execute large-scale content imports seamlessly.

  3. Integration with External Systems: Keep Agility content synchronized with external data sources.

Beware of Versioning

Developers must handle versioning intricacies to prevent redundant content versions, ensuring optimal system performance.

Content Sync API: Enabling Seamless Data Synchronization

Use Cases

  1. Offline Mode Support: Facilitate access to content without API calls, ideal for offline modes.

  2. Reduced API Calls: Minimize REST API calls to Agility for improved efficiency.

  3. Local Caching for Latency Reduction: Cache content locally for Server-Side Rendered (SSR) web apps and Static Site Generators (SSG).

  4. Client-Side Applications: Cache content in the browser for client-side Single Page Applications.

How It Works

  1. Webhook Setup: Establish a webhook in Agility for real-time notifications of CMS changes.

  2. Sync API Calls: Utilize the Sync API to fetch and sync content based on a sync token.

  3. Local Storage or Database: Store synchronized content in a local filesystem, database, or caching system.

  4. Incremental Updates: Employ sync tokens to fetch only updated content, optimizing synchronization.

GraphQL API: Unleashing Flexibility in Data Access

Benefits of GraphQL

  • Flexible Field Control: Determine precisely what fields are returned in API responses.

  • Multiple Queries in One Request: Efficiently bundle multiple queries within a single request.

  • Advanced Filtering and Sorting: Enhance content retrieval with advanced filtering and sorting options.

Limitations in Agility

While  GraphQL in Agility allows fetching content from the Content (area), support for Pages, Page Templates, and Page Modules is currently under development.

Getting Started with GraphQL

  1. GraphQL Playground: Explore and test GraphQL queries using the interactive GraphQL IDE Playground.

  2. Authentication: Secure requests by authenticating with the appropriate API key (Fetch for published, Preview for staging).

  3. Paging and Filtering: Leverage GraphQL to page through content lists and apply filters similar to the REST Fetch API.

Agility's APIs

Agility CMS empowers developers with a rich set of APIs, each serving a distinct purpose in content management and delivery. Whether you're crafting dynamic web experiences, orchestrating complex content workflows, synchronizing data seamlessly, or leveraging the flexibility of GraphQL, Agility CMS provides the tools needed to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Explore, experiment, and unlock the full potential of Agility's APIs to redefine how you manage and deliver content.

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Unlock Your Content's Voice with Headless CMS+ and White-Glove Service.

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Dec 5, 2023

A Deep Dive into Agility CMS APIs

Harmonie Poirier
All of Agility CMS' APIs

Agility CMS stands out as a versatile content management system, offering a trifecta of APIs — Content Fetch, Content Management, and Content Sync. In this comprehensive exploration, we'll unravel the capabilities of each API, with a special focus on GraphQL.

Agility Content Fetch API: Fueling Dynamic Experiences


The Content Fetch API is the engine behind retrieving content from Agility CMS. It caters to a broad spectrum of applications, from web development to mobile integration. With this API, developers can craft dynamic and personalized experiences by seamlessly pulling content from Agility CMS.

Use Cases

  1. Dynamic Web Content: Fetch and display content dynamically, enhancing user experiences on websites.

  2. Mobile App Integration: Integrate Agility content effortlessly into mobile applications.

  3. Content Syndication: Distribute and syndicate content across diverse digital platforms.

How It Works

Operating through HTTP requests, the Content Fetch API delivers content in JSON format. Developers can tailor queries to fetch specific content based on parameters, ensuring a finely tuned response. This flexibility is crucial for adapting content to varying platforms and user scenarios.

Content Management API: Orchestrating Content Operations


The Content Management API takes center stage when programmatically managing content in Agility CMS. This API supports an array of operations, offering a robust toolkit for content imports, updates, and integrations.

Supported Methods

  • Approve Content: Greenlight content items seamlessly.

  • Decline Content: Reject content items to maintain quality and relevance.

  • Delete and Publish Content: Manage the lifecycle of content efficiently.

  • Request Approval: Initiate approval processes for content items.

  • Media Management: Retrieve, upload, and delete media assets.

  • URL Redirection and Webhooks: Manage URL redirections and set up webhooks for automated notifications.

Use Cases

  1. Customized Workflows: Implement tailored content workflows and approval processes.

  2. Programmatic Content Imports: Execute large-scale content imports seamlessly.

  3. Integration with External Systems: Keep Agility content synchronized with external data sources.

Beware of Versioning

Developers must handle versioning intricacies to prevent redundant content versions, ensuring optimal system performance.

Content Sync API: Enabling Seamless Data Synchronization

Use Cases

  1. Offline Mode Support: Facilitate access to content without API calls, ideal for offline modes.

  2. Reduced API Calls: Minimize REST API calls to Agility for improved efficiency.

  3. Local Caching for Latency Reduction: Cache content locally for Server-Side Rendered (SSR) web apps and Static Site Generators (SSG).

  4. Client-Side Applications: Cache content in the browser for client-side Single Page Applications.

How It Works

  1. Webhook Setup: Establish a webhook in Agility for real-time notifications of CMS changes.

  2. Sync API Calls: Utilize the Sync API to fetch and sync content based on a sync token.

  3. Local Storage or Database: Store synchronized content in a local filesystem, database, or caching system.

  4. Incremental Updates: Employ sync tokens to fetch only updated content, optimizing synchronization.

GraphQL API: Unleashing Flexibility in Data Access

Benefits of GraphQL

  • Flexible Field Control: Determine precisely what fields are returned in API responses.

  • Multiple Queries in One Request: Efficiently bundle multiple queries within a single request.

  • Advanced Filtering and Sorting: Enhance content retrieval with advanced filtering and sorting options.

Limitations in Agility

While  GraphQL in Agility allows fetching content from the Content (area), support for Pages, Page Templates, and Page Modules is currently under development.

Getting Started with GraphQL

  1. GraphQL Playground: Explore and test GraphQL queries using the interactive GraphQL IDE Playground.

  2. Authentication: Secure requests by authenticating with the appropriate API key (Fetch for published, Preview for staging).

  3. Paging and Filtering: Leverage GraphQL to page through content lists and apply filters similar to the REST Fetch API.

Agility's APIs

Agility CMS empowers developers with a rich set of APIs, each serving a distinct purpose in content management and delivery. Whether you're crafting dynamic web experiences, orchestrating complex content workflows, synchronizing data seamlessly, or leveraging the flexibility of GraphQL, Agility CMS provides the tools needed to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Explore, experiment, and unlock the full potential of Agility's APIs to redefine how you manage and deliver content.

Try Agility Free

Unlock Your Content's Voice with Headless CMS+ and White-Glove Service.

About the Author

Harmonie is the Senior Marketing Manager at Agility CMS

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