What it's Like to Work at Agility

You know that moment when an alarm completely obliterates your peaceful slumber and forces you to haul yourself out of bed and out the door to be somewhere for 9 a.m. because it is, in fact, a weekday and not, in fact, a Saturday like your tired and disappointed brain tried to convince you?
Some days (Mondays) that really sucks. Some days it's painful. But at Agility, it's actually never horrible. At all.
Working at Agility is a unique experience with lots of perks, one of them being that it's a healthy and happy work environment to walk into every morning. Some benefits include its central downtown location, flexible working hours, an open-concept loft office, a casual dress code and a well-used ping pong table. But the thing that really makes Agility an awesome place to work is its employees.
"Agility's greatest attribute is its people. We have an amazing team that is made up of smart, passionate and committed individuals, and we're all aligned under the same goal of providing the best experiences for our customers and anyone that comes into contact with the company." Jon Voigt, CEO, said.
The glue that holds the team together is our core values. These are five statements that each team member both exemplifies and aspires to everyday in both our business and with each other. Our core values include:
1. Be A leader.
2. Lead with service.
3. Build trusting relationships.
4. Find a way.
5. Advocate health and happiness in the community.
"I'm still fairly new to Agility, but I felt at ease and part of the team immediately. I think that speaks a lot to the kind of people that work here," Pim Brouwers, software developer, said.
Fernanda Speyers, Agility's office manager and newest hire, agrees. "The company's culture is an easy place to fit into, and it's a very modern corporate culture with the perfect balance of work and play."
While we all work together extremely well, we play together well too, and the Agility Team gets to do awesome things outside the nine to five. Some team members recently spent a Saturday competing in Warrior Dash, a mud run, where things got really messy. A couple months ago, we got to feed a Great Indian Rhino named Vishnu some carrots at the Toronto Zoo.
The Rhino meet-and-greet was something the Agility Team got to do because we adopted the Toronto Zoo's black jaguar (we really like big cats). As a thanks for our donation, we were treated to a behind-the-scenes tour. This is Zambuca, our coolest team member:
The Toronto Zoo donation was part of our initiative to give back to the community. Every quarter, one employee chooses a cause that's important to them, and the entire team rallies together to do what they can.
"It's pretty awesome to work for a company that cares as much about the community as Agility does," Amy Wong, technical project manager said. "Not only is it good for the community, but it brings us closer together and is great for team-building."
So to recap, Agility is made up of awesome people who are great at their jobs, who get to do awesome things together and who also put a lot of good out into the world.
If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, we have good news: we're hiring! If you're interested in applying, please visit our careers page to find out if you would be a good fit.