What is a Marketing Funnel?

Adam Padzik
Adam Padzik
Oct 17, 2024
Illustration of a marketing funnel

The Marketing Journey: From "Who?" to "I Do!"

Let's face it: guiding potential customers from "Who's this?" to "Shut up and take my money!" is never a walk in the park. It can be bumpier than a camel with hiccups, with mirages of success and sandstorms of competition at every turn. But don't worry—we've got a map and a Dalvey Voyager Expedition Flask with a built-in compass! This article will demystify the modern marketing funnel and offer a comprehensive overview that will help lead your prospects from awareness to conversion. So, buckle up; it's time to transform the curiosity of your adventurous visitors into the unwavering loyalty of seasoned brand explorers.

Understanding the Marketing Funnel

Before we begin, let's clarify what a marketing funnel means. Simply put, it’s a way to visualize your customer’s journey, from their initial discovery of your brand to the moment they click “Buy” and make a purchase. 

The key stages are:

  • Awareness: The "Ooh, what's that?" moment.
  • Interest: The "Tell me more" head tilt.
  • Consideration: The "Hmm, this could be useful" pondering.
  • Intent: The "I think I want this" leaning in.
  • Evaluation: The "Let's see how it stacks up" comparison.
  • Conversion: The "Take my money!" grand finale.

Think of it like guiding someone from a casual wave across a bustling bazaar to the moment they offer a firm handshake, sign a contract, and seal the deal with a celebratory toast of Arabian Sobia (or a sip from your Dalvey flask, if you prefer). 

Each stage of this journey requires careful attention and focus from you and your team to keep your prospects moving toward you and help them avoid the tempting mirages of your competitors' offerings.

The Marketing Funnel

Illustration of a marketing funnel showing stages from awareness to conversion, representing the customer journey and business growth process.

Top of Funnel (TOFU) – Awareness Stage

Goal: Capture attention and draw customers in. They’re likely hearing about your brand for the first time. Here, your goal is simple: let the customer know you exist. Capture a slice of their precious attention and draw them in, even if it interrupts their routine.

Maybe they’re peacefully scrolling through cat videos when—BAM—your video shows up in their feed. Congratulations, you've hit stage one, even if you’ve mildly annoyed them in the process!

As shown in the graphic above, there are several ways to create awareness:

  • Content Marketing: Create engaging blogs, videos, or infographics that offer value, answer questions, and address real needs. No one needs another generic "Top 10 Ways” article unless it’s genuinely insightful and helps solve a problem.
  • Social Media Marketing: Be where your audience already is. Share content that sparks conversations, not eye-rolls. Think interactive posts, thought-provoking questions, and visually appealing graphics that stand out in your audience's feed.
  • Paid Advertising: Use Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and display ads strategically. Target your audience so well that when they see your ad, it feels like a serendipitous discovery, not an intrusive interruption.
  • SEO Content: Make sure your content is optimized for search engines. If your audience is searching for solutions, you want your brand to be at the top of the results. This means focusing on keyword-rich, high-quality content that solves specific problems.
  • Quizzes: Most of us have engaged with quizzes in our social feeds, especially when they answer interesting questions or offer insights or solutions. It’s a way to capture attention while making the interaction about them, not you.

Metrics to Watch: Website traffic, social media engagement, and brand mentions.

Key Point: At this stage, your focus is on creating genuine, value-driven content that stops people in their tracks, piques their curiosity, and leaves them wanting more. It’s not just about being seen—it’s about being memorable.

Middle of Funnel (MOFU) – Interest & Consideration Stage

Goal: Keep their attention and show why your brand offers real value. They’re considering whether your product or service might meet their needs.

Now that you’ve captured their attention, it's time to deepen their interest and nudge them closer to deciding.

  • Interest (Educational Content): Webinars, whitepapers, and eBooks that solve real problems can appeal. Think fewer sales pitches, more TED Talk.
  • Interactive Content: Use quizzes and polls to engage and learn about your audience. It's like speed dating but less awkward.
  • Email Marketing Campaigns: Send personalized emails that don’t start with "Dear Valued Customer." You’re better than that.
  • Techniques to nurture interest: Respond promptly to inquiries, provide consistent value, and avoid spamming like it’s 1999.

Metrics to Watch: Email open rates, time spent on content, resource downloads.

Key Point: At this stage, you want to build trust by offering value through informative, personalized content that helps solve real customer problems. The goal is to get them thinking, “This brand might just be the right fit.”

Bottom of Funnel (BOFU) – Intent, Evaluation, & Conversion Stage

Goal: Drive the decision-making process and get them to convert. At this point, they’re seriously considering making a purchase.

Intent: They’re leaning in. Time to seal the deal.

  • Free Trials and Samples: Let them test the waters. If your product is as good as you say it is, this is where it proves itself.
  • Limited-Time Offers and Discounts: Create a sense of urgency but avoid sounding like a late-night infomercial.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Show them you understand their needs. It's the difference between a tailor-made suit and one off the rack.

Metrics to Watch: Free trial sign-ups, use of promotional codes, and engagement with personalized content.

Evaluation: They’re comparing options. Time to tip the scales in your favor.

  • Reviews and Ratings: Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences. Genuine reviews beat flashy ads any day.
  • Customer Support and Consultations: Offer accessible support that doesn’t require navigating a phone tree from hell.
  • Competitive Analysis and Value Propositions: Be transparent about what sets you apart. Honesty builds trust.

Metrics to Watch: Consultation bookings, support interactions, and comparison page views.

Key Point: This stage is all about building confidence and trust. Your prospects are ready to decide—they just need the final push to choose you.

Conversion: The moment of truth.

  • Seamless Checkout Process: Make purchasing as easy as possible. If they need a manual to buy, you've already lost them.
  • Secure Payment Options and Guarantees: Build confidence with secure transactions and clear return policies.
  • Post-purchase follow-up: Send a thank-you note, offer support, and make them feel valued—because they are.

Metrics to Watch: Conversion rates, cart abandonment rates, and post-purchase engagement.

Key Point: Conversion is the culmination of everything you’ve worked towards. Your job here is to ensure the process is smooth and secure and that your customer feels good about their decision.

The Final Step: Optimizing the Funnel for Continuous Success

Now that you’ve guided your prospects from Awareness to Conversion, it’s time to focus on refining your overall funnel for continuous improvement. This means integrating your marketing strategy across multiple channels, testing, and fine-tuning your tactics based on data and insights.

Integrating and Optimizing Your Strategy

  • Cross-Channel Integration: Ensure a consistent message across all platforms. Mixed signals are only charming in rom-coms.
  • Data and Analytics: Use insights to make informed decisions. Guessing is for game shows.
  • Continuous Optimization: A/B test like your business depends on it—because it does.
  • Tools and Technologies: Leverage platforms like Agility's Headless CMS to streamline your efforts. Yes, it’s a shameless plug—but it’s worth it.

Key Point: Your funnel isn’t a one-time build. It’s a dynamic system that should evolve as your business and audience grow. Consistency and optimization across the entire funnel are key to ensuring long-term success.

Marketing Funnels in Action

Spotify – Free, Free Trial, and Personalization

Spotify has built a highly effective marketing funnel by leveraging free trials and personalization to attract, engage, and retain users.


  • Spotify drives traffic through organic search and SEO optimization, ranking high for music-related search terms.
  • Social media, TV, and podcast ads enhance brand visibility and attract users interested in new and trending music.


  • Users are guided to a clean sign-up page offering free ad-supported listening or a 3-month free trial for Premium plans.
  • Spotify encourages immediate engagement through the app or web player.

Conversion & Upsell:

  • Spotify nurtures leads through email marketing, promoting upsells like Premium and Premium Duo.
  • Personalized recommendations, powered by machine learning, prompt free users to upgrade.
  • A frictionless sign-up process with clear CTAs ensures high conversion rates.


  • Free trials fueled significant user growth and conversions.
  • Personalized content kept users engaged, reducing churn.
  • A seamless sign-up flow efficiently captured leads and drove growth.

Grammarly Funnel (B2B/B2C)

Grammarly, a leading Grammar checker and writing tool uses a strategic marketing funnel to attract and convert users through targeted ads and interactive experiences.


  • Grammarly invests in YouTube ads and contextual targeting, reaching students and professionals.
  • Ads on relevant websites increase brand exposure.


  • Grammarly offers an interactive demo page, allowing users to explore the platform without signing up. This creates an engaging, low-commitment experience.


  • Grammarly provides freemium accounts and periodic free trials requiring credit card details.
  • A 20% student discount encourages faster conversions among a key demographic.


  • A combination of targeted ads and interactive demos increased user engagement and conversions.
  • Freemium and trial offers helped convert free users into paying customers.

Conclusion:  Navigating the Funnel (Without Losing Your Mind)

Congratulations, fearless funnel navigator! You’ve braved the bumpy ride, dodged mirages, and emerged victorious. You're ready to turn prospects into loyal brand advocates with your new map, strategy, and a little well-learned knowledge.

Remember, it's not just about making a sale but crafting a journey so irresistible that your customers will return for seconds, thirds, and "Can I get this supersized?"

So take a victory sip from your Dalvey hip flask and dive into the funnel with the confidence of a cat in a sunbeam. It might be a wild ride, but with the right approach, you'll turn "Who are you?" into "Take my money!" faster than you can create a viral TikTok dance.

Now go forth and funnel! Your marketing oasis awaits, and success is just a well-executed strategy away. Who knew navigating the desert of consumer attention could be this much fun?

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Illustration of a marketing funnel

The Marketing Journey: From "Who?" to "I Do!"

Let's face it: guiding potential customers from "Who's this?" to "Shut up and take my money!" is never a walk in the park. It can be bumpier than a camel with hiccups, with mirages of success and sandstorms of competition at every turn. But don't worry—we've got a map and a Dalvey Voyager Expedition Flask with a built-in compass! This article will demystify the modern marketing funnel and offer a comprehensive overview that will help lead your prospects from awareness to conversion. So, buckle up; it's time to transform the curiosity of your adventurous visitors into the unwavering loyalty of seasoned brand explorers.

Understanding the Marketing Funnel

Before we begin, let's clarify what a marketing funnel means. Simply put, it’s a way to visualize your customer’s journey, from their initial discovery of your brand to the moment they click “Buy” and make a purchase. 

The key stages are:

  • Awareness: The "Ooh, what's that?" moment.
  • Interest: The "Tell me more" head tilt.
  • Consideration: The "Hmm, this could be useful" pondering.
  • Intent: The "I think I want this" leaning in.
  • Evaluation: The "Let's see how it stacks up" comparison.
  • Conversion: The "Take my money!" grand finale.

Think of it like guiding someone from a casual wave across a bustling bazaar to the moment they offer a firm handshake, sign a contract, and seal the deal with a celebratory toast of Arabian Sobia (or a sip from your Dalvey flask, if you prefer). 

Each stage of this journey requires careful attention and focus from you and your team to keep your prospects moving toward you and help them avoid the tempting mirages of your competitors' offerings.

The Marketing Funnel

Illustration of a marketing funnel showing stages from awareness to conversion, representing the customer journey and business growth process.

Top of Funnel (TOFU) – Awareness Stage

Goal: Capture attention and draw customers in. They’re likely hearing about your brand for the first time. Here, your goal is simple: let the customer know you exist. Capture a slice of their precious attention and draw them in, even if it interrupts their routine.

Maybe they’re peacefully scrolling through cat videos when—BAM—your video shows up in their feed. Congratulations, you've hit stage one, even if you’ve mildly annoyed them in the process!

As shown in the graphic above, there are several ways to create awareness:

  • Content Marketing: Create engaging blogs, videos, or infographics that offer value, answer questions, and address real needs. No one needs another generic "Top 10 Ways” article unless it’s genuinely insightful and helps solve a problem.
  • Social Media Marketing: Be where your audience already is. Share content that sparks conversations, not eye-rolls. Think interactive posts, thought-provoking questions, and visually appealing graphics that stand out in your audience's feed.
  • Paid Advertising: Use Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and display ads strategically. Target your audience so well that when they see your ad, it feels like a serendipitous discovery, not an intrusive interruption.
  • SEO Content: Make sure your content is optimized for search engines. If your audience is searching for solutions, you want your brand to be at the top of the results. This means focusing on keyword-rich, high-quality content that solves specific problems.
  • Quizzes: Most of us have engaged with quizzes in our social feeds, especially when they answer interesting questions or offer insights or solutions. It’s a way to capture attention while making the interaction about them, not you.

Metrics to Watch: Website traffic, social media engagement, and brand mentions.

Key Point: At this stage, your focus is on creating genuine, value-driven content that stops people in their tracks, piques their curiosity, and leaves them wanting more. It’s not just about being seen—it’s about being memorable.

Middle of Funnel (MOFU) – Interest & Consideration Stage

Goal: Keep their attention and show why your brand offers real value. They’re considering whether your product or service might meet their needs.

Now that you’ve captured their attention, it's time to deepen their interest and nudge them closer to deciding.

  • Interest (Educational Content): Webinars, whitepapers, and eBooks that solve real problems can appeal. Think fewer sales pitches, more TED Talk.
  • Interactive Content: Use quizzes and polls to engage and learn about your audience. It's like speed dating but less awkward.
  • Email Marketing Campaigns: Send personalized emails that don’t start with "Dear Valued Customer." You’re better than that.
  • Techniques to nurture interest: Respond promptly to inquiries, provide consistent value, and avoid spamming like it’s 1999.

Metrics to Watch: Email open rates, time spent on content, resource downloads.

Key Point: At this stage, you want to build trust by offering value through informative, personalized content that helps solve real customer problems. The goal is to get them thinking, “This brand might just be the right fit.”

Bottom of Funnel (BOFU) – Intent, Evaluation, & Conversion Stage

Goal: Drive the decision-making process and get them to convert. At this point, they’re seriously considering making a purchase.

Intent: They’re leaning in. Time to seal the deal.

  • Free Trials and Samples: Let them test the waters. If your product is as good as you say it is, this is where it proves itself.
  • Limited-Time Offers and Discounts: Create a sense of urgency but avoid sounding like a late-night infomercial.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Show them you understand their needs. It's the difference between a tailor-made suit and one off the rack.

Metrics to Watch: Free trial sign-ups, use of promotional codes, and engagement with personalized content.

Evaluation: They’re comparing options. Time to tip the scales in your favor.

  • Reviews and Ratings: Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences. Genuine reviews beat flashy ads any day.
  • Customer Support and Consultations: Offer accessible support that doesn’t require navigating a phone tree from hell.
  • Competitive Analysis and Value Propositions: Be transparent about what sets you apart. Honesty builds trust.

Metrics to Watch: Consultation bookings, support interactions, and comparison page views.

Key Point: This stage is all about building confidence and trust. Your prospects are ready to decide—they just need the final push to choose you.

Conversion: The moment of truth.

  • Seamless Checkout Process: Make purchasing as easy as possible. If they need a manual to buy, you've already lost them.
  • Secure Payment Options and Guarantees: Build confidence with secure transactions and clear return policies.
  • Post-purchase follow-up: Send a thank-you note, offer support, and make them feel valued—because they are.

Metrics to Watch: Conversion rates, cart abandonment rates, and post-purchase engagement.

Key Point: Conversion is the culmination of everything you’ve worked towards. Your job here is to ensure the process is smooth and secure and that your customer feels good about their decision.

The Final Step: Optimizing the Funnel for Continuous Success

Now that you’ve guided your prospects from Awareness to Conversion, it’s time to focus on refining your overall funnel for continuous improvement. This means integrating your marketing strategy across multiple channels, testing, and fine-tuning your tactics based on data and insights.

Integrating and Optimizing Your Strategy

  • Cross-Channel Integration: Ensure a consistent message across all platforms. Mixed signals are only charming in rom-coms.
  • Data and Analytics: Use insights to make informed decisions. Guessing is for game shows.
  • Continuous Optimization: A/B test like your business depends on it—because it does.
  • Tools and Technologies: Leverage platforms like Agility's Headless CMS to streamline your efforts. Yes, it’s a shameless plug—but it’s worth it.

Key Point: Your funnel isn’t a one-time build. It’s a dynamic system that should evolve as your business and audience grow. Consistency and optimization across the entire funnel are key to ensuring long-term success.

Marketing Funnels in Action

Spotify – Free, Free Trial, and Personalization

Spotify has built a highly effective marketing funnel by leveraging free trials and personalization to attract, engage, and retain users.


  • Spotify drives traffic through organic search and SEO optimization, ranking high for music-related search terms.
  • Social media, TV, and podcast ads enhance brand visibility and attract users interested in new and trending music.


  • Users are guided to a clean sign-up page offering free ad-supported listening or a 3-month free trial for Premium plans.
  • Spotify encourages immediate engagement through the app or web player.

Conversion & Upsell:

  • Spotify nurtures leads through email marketing, promoting upsells like Premium and Premium Duo.
  • Personalized recommendations, powered by machine learning, prompt free users to upgrade.
  • A frictionless sign-up process with clear CTAs ensures high conversion rates.


  • Free trials fueled significant user growth and conversions.
  • Personalized content kept users engaged, reducing churn.
  • A seamless sign-up flow efficiently captured leads and drove growth.

Grammarly Funnel (B2B/B2C)

Grammarly, a leading Grammar checker and writing tool uses a strategic marketing funnel to attract and convert users through targeted ads and interactive experiences.


  • Grammarly invests in YouTube ads and contextual targeting, reaching students and professionals.
  • Ads on relevant websites increase brand exposure.


  • Grammarly offers an interactive demo page, allowing users to explore the platform without signing up. This creates an engaging, low-commitment experience.


  • Grammarly provides freemium accounts and periodic free trials requiring credit card details.
  • A 20% student discount encourages faster conversions among a key demographic.


  • A combination of targeted ads and interactive demos increased user engagement and conversions.
  • Freemium and trial offers helped convert free users into paying customers.

Conclusion:  Navigating the Funnel (Without Losing Your Mind)

Congratulations, fearless funnel navigator! You’ve braved the bumpy ride, dodged mirages, and emerged victorious. You're ready to turn prospects into loyal brand advocates with your new map, strategy, and a little well-learned knowledge.

Remember, it's not just about making a sale but crafting a journey so irresistible that your customers will return for seconds, thirds, and "Can I get this supersized?"

So take a victory sip from your Dalvey hip flask and dive into the funnel with the confidence of a cat in a sunbeam. It might be a wild ride, but with the right approach, you'll turn "Who are you?" into "Take my money!" faster than you can create a viral TikTok dance.

Now go forth and funnel! Your marketing oasis awaits, and success is just a well-executed strategy away. Who knew navigating the desert of consumer attention could be this much fun?

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About the Author

Adam is an experienced marketing leader with a natural curiosity about human behaviour. He heads up Agility's marketing efforts, helping others discover and experience the easy to use CMS with insane support. A big believer of living in the moment, Adam doesn't want to see you wasting the precious time you have on this earth on clunky, outdated content management systems. He's been there. It wasn't pretty. Give Agility CMS a try and start enjoying your life while you rock your job and have less headaches. Learn more about Adam HERE

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