Algolia Search

Integration Overview
Algolia search enables next generation apps with APIs that deliver relevant content in milliseconds. While Agility CMS allows you to manage and publish content with ease, Algolia helps your users find the content they are looking for.
What is Algolia?
Algolia is an AI-powered search and discovery platform allowing you to create cutting-edge customer experiences for your ecommerce website and mobile apps.
Algolia claims a number of advantages for their approach, including speed of response from searching a single site rather than the entire web. Moreover, as Algolia's search can be tailored to the client site, its known structure and its metadata facets, the search offered can be smarter and more site-specific than a generalised web text search. This improves the relevance of search results as searching may take the semantics of site content into account.
Algolia emphasizes their ability to provide instantaneous, multi-platform and typo-tolerant features. Algolia's software is closed source. They do however contribute to the open source community to an extent.
What is Algolia search API?
Why use this integration?
Improved competitiveness
True omnichannel capability
Improved business results
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