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Accessing Reports
What are reports and why are they important?
Various reporting options, bulk content publishing, as well as statistics for recent changes and user activity are all available within Reports.
The Reports section in Agility is a useful area for Metrics and Information about what's going on within your Instance.
To access Reports, click on Reports from your Agility menu where you'll be taken to the landing with a list of reports you may access and statistics.

Recent Changes Report
The Recent Changes report is a handy report that will allow you to see what Pages or Content has been modified across your Agility Instance.

Using the Report
The top of the Recent Changes Report displays a filter toolbar that makes it easy for you to filter by Date, Sitemap, Users & Locale.
Bulk Publish/Unpublish
In most cases, you’ll want to use this report along with the filters for informational purposes, but you may also use it to bulk publish and unpublish content. You may do that by checking off the appropriate check boxes next to the items in the report and simply clicking the “Publish” or “Unpublish” links at the top of the page, just above the column headers.

Ready To Publish Report
The Ready To Publish Report lists Pages or Content that has either been Approved or is Awaiting Approval as well as content currently in staging that is ready to be published.
Using The Report
Similar to the Recent Changes Report, The Ready To Publish displays a filter toolbar that makes it easy for you to filter by Date, Sitemap, Users & Locale.
Bulk Publish/Unpublish
Similar to the Recent Changes Report, you may publish/un-publish bulk items by checking off the appropriate check boxes next to the items in the report and simply clicking the “Publish” or “Unpublish” links at the top of the page, just above the column headers.
Custom Reports
Custom reports allow you to import Reports you have outside of Agility and view them all in one place in your Custom Reports dashboard

User Activity
The User Activity section is a great way to check in on which users have been active within your Instance.

Filter by Year/Month to check the last login and last activity for a user.