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Nuxt and Agility CMS
With Nuxt.js and Agility CMS, it's never been easier to build a fast and beautiful website for your users while also providing an unmatched experience for both your Editors and Developers.
With our agilitycms-nuxtjs-starter, getting a website up and running with Nuxt and Agility CMS is simple. Our integration with Nuxt.js is the only one that will generate pages for you. This allows developers to focus on building UI Components (i.e. Page Modules) and empowers editors to compose and manage all of their pages on their website.
Sign up for a Free Agility CMS Account today.
Happy, Productive Editors
While using Agility CMS to power the content of your Nuxt.js site, editors can create and manage pages with ease. They'll have a toolbox of UI Components (i.e. Page Modules and Page Templates) to select from that developers have built for them, and they'll use these to compose their pages.
Editors are able to preview content changes in real-time in a Preview Environment prior to publishing.
Happy, Productive Developers
Nuxt.js is a framework build on top of Vue.js that allows for Static Site Generation, Single Page Application, and Server-Side-Rendering. Nuxt is based on a powerful modular architecture. Easily source content from your Agility instance by using the Agility CMS integration for Nuxt.js.
With Nuxt.js your website/application will also be optimized right out of the box!
With a blazing-fast development environment, the app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
This will also load the latest (staging mode) content from Agility CMS. When you change the content in the CMS, simply reload your dev environment to see those changes updated on the site.
It's extremely easy for developers to create reusable interactive UI Components (i.e. Page Modules & Page Templates) Editors can use them to compose their pages.
Getting Started Quickly
Our agilitycms-nuxtjs-starter is a starter template designed for developers who want to start using Agility CMS with Nuxt. You can save time and effort by using this template that is already integrated with Agility CMS using best practices.
- It's simple- it's a bare-bones template but has enough examples in it for you to follow
- Fast rendering- your website is exported to static HTML, so there's no more waiting for your webserver to piece together and render your HTML
- Fast builds- uses the Agility CMS Sync SDK so that builds will only refresh nodes/content that has changed since the last build was run.