What is Plenum UI?
We're excited to finally show you Plenum!

In this UI sneak peek, we finally unveil Plenum UI. Inge Boubez, our new Director of Marketing, and Joel Varty, our CTO, join forces to give you the sneak peek you were waiting for.
Our team's been working on it like crazy, and we're excited about our new UI. This is the third iteration of a brand-new UI for the Content Manager. So we’re really happy to show it off.
Ready for Plenum UI? We sure are.
Quick FAQ Before We Start
Before we show you Plenum in action, let’s start by addressing some questions you might have.
Why we named our new UI “Plenum”?
The name Plenum (Pleh-nuhm) came from David Babijaev, our Product Designer.
Plenum is a physics term that designates a space completely filled with matter. For us, Plenum means a new way of understanding space and how to use it to build a beautiful, intuitive user interface.
What Has Changed Between The Classic UI and Plenum?
Good news: Plenum and Classic (as we will refer to as our old UI) are compatible and congruent. That means you won’t feel lost when switching to Plenum.
Here are some images so you can see at a glance what changed.
Dashboard In Classic UI
Dashboard In Plenum
Content Area In The Classic Version
Content Area In Plenum
What Was The Process Behind Plenum?
The first part of the process was listening to what you had to say. We took your feedback seriously. We’ve also taken our partners’ feedback seriously, and Plenum reflects that.
Second, our team has been meeting, conceptualizing, and reiterating to interpret customer feedback into features. We’ve also opened our roadmap so you can submit things, which has resulted in a bunch of actionable feedback that was poured into Plenum.
Which Parts of the Classic UI Received Major Overhauls?
The way you could do apps in Agility CMS got a serious overhaul. Currently, with the Classic UI, you can build custom field apps. Right now, it feels cramped and a bit dark.
In Plenum, we not only changed how the interface looks, but we’ve also given you more space to work.
Will Plenum Enable Composability just as Classic Does?
If you’re building a composable DXP, you can use Agility CMS as the hub for your services. If you’re bringing in apps and integrations, you’ll be able to integrate them into your workflow.
Can I Go Back to Classic if I don’t like Plenum?
Sure! A button at the top right corner says “Classic Version” hit it, and you’ll be back to Classic. Hit it again, and it’s Plenum.
Disclaimer: Certain areas won’t be feature complete for the beta (Models, reports, and settings)
Learn more: The New Agility CMS Content Manager Interface
Join Our UI Training Session and Learn More About Plenum
As you can see, we’ve been working hard to deliver Plenum to you all. We will host a series of live training sessions to ensure you are ready to make the most of this new interface.
This first of 4 will walk you through the first rollout of features available in Fall 2022.
Bring your questions and feedback as Joel provides exclusive training on November 23rd at 10 am EST.

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