Google Confirms Mobile-friendly Update Will Roll Out Slowly

On Tuesday, Google began rolling out its Mobile-friendly Update.
A handful of webmasters have noticed a change, but most haven't seen any impact at all.
Google’s John Mueller took to a live hangout on Google+ to confirm that the roll out has indeed begun and that it can take over a week to complete.
Below are John Mueller's exact words:
"It’s definitely rolling out. I know in some of the data centers its already rolled out completely. So that is something where I think you will probably see that change over the course of a week, maybe a week and a half – something like that.
From the first day to the next day, I don’t think you’ll see a big change. But if you compare last week to next week, then you should see a big change.
And I’ve seen some blog posts out there have noticed it’s different, and tried to document the difference between the desktop results and new mobile results. So there are definitely people noticing it.
SEO Clarity has been updating their data set showing the impact thus far on the mobile search results and as time goes on, those numbers show a larger and larger impact."
Watch the full video: