The API-based CMS

Agility -The API-First CMS for Modern Content Management

Agility’s Headless API CMS is Trusted by Brands Like You

Canadian Opera Company
Hockey Canada
Mitsubishi Electric
Why API-first Headless CMS?

Why API-first Headless CMS?

Agility developed the first API driven headless CMS in the market, circa 2003. Ever since then, Agility’s API-first CMS has been the foundation others have tried to build on. Agility still leads the market with:

Real API Headless CMS

A headless CMS with API driven technology from the start, unlike CMS’ that had APIs bolted on to an existing system

A legacy of building websites

Our experience helps us understand and address web development pain points

Support 360

World-class support, education, and training for developers and content specialists
Use GraphQL for API Queries - API Based Headless CMS

Use GraphQL for API Queries

Agility’s headless API-based CMS features seamless integration with Gatsby, which enables the use of the powerful GraphQL query language in your CMS. GraphQL gives you:
Built with Developers In Mind - Agility CMS

Built with Developers In Mind

Agility’s API-based CMS helps developers in numerous ways:

Coding in any language.

Leverage in-house skill sets or readily available outside expertise, whether in .NET, JavaScript, or any other framework

Quick ramp-up

The language-agnostic approach means developers can be productive out of the gate with no learning curve to overcome.

Easy APIs.

Agility CMS supports RESTful APIs for fast and easy integration with any system.
Built for Integration - API Based Headless CMS

Built for Integration

By enabling webhooks, Agility CMS gives you powerful integration tools with any external system:

Trigger actions in response to CMS events

Notifications, website updates, and more can be launched from any action taken in the CMS.

Future-proof your environment

If a new technology, system, or framework is needed, simply add its API to the mix--no need to reinvent any part of your content landscape.

Increase business efficiencies

Integrate with any marketing tools thanks to REST API-based CMS (CRM, ERP, e-commerce, and more) means more content-related business processes can be automated.
Content first API CMS

Content First

Agility never forgets what the “C” stands for in “CMS.” With a content-first mindset, Agility CMS enables the business to:

Manage all content from one platform

No working in multiple CMS platforms; all editors are in control of their content.

Build multi- and omnichannel experiences

Use the CMS to give your customers what they want: A seamless, cohesive brand experience across devices and communication channels.
Content Workflow With Agility CMS and JAMstack

Marketer/Editor Friendly

Agility knows that marketers and editors need to focus on what they do best without getting hung up on technical details. To that end, Agility CMS features include:

WYSIWYG content editor

An Intuitive WYSIWYG content editor for seamless page management. No fussing with HTML or CSS tags.

Optimize your content

Benefit from built-in modules for content management, SEO, image editing and content search that integrate faster speeds for load time.

Sharing and previews

Agility CMS enables previews and content sharing--even to users without Agility access.
World-Class JAMStack Support Services

Full-Service Support

From the beginning, Agility’s business model has included top-notch services and support:

Education and training on the Web

API headless CMS online education resources give both developers and business users the tools they need to succeed.


Have a question or need help working through a tricky problem? Our experts are experienced web developers with a passion for solving problems.


Agility CMS API documentation for developers, as well as our end-user documentation and online help resources, are complete, correct, and up-to-date.

Customer Success Stories

Woman at Cineplex watching movie on

Cineplex: Ultimate Performance, Scalability and Usability for Movie Theater Giant

Cineplex Logo on
scene rewards

Innovating Omnichannel Customer Experience for SCENE Rewards Program 

Scene logo
Shopper's Drug Mart store on

Shoppers Drug Mart Centralizes Multi-language Customer Experiences With Agility CMS

Shopper's Drug Mart logo on

Don't just take our word for it!

A word from a few of our customers

"The Agility team is knowledgeable and works diligently to ensure the success of its clients. The platform is flexible and powerful enough for all of our projects while remaining approachable for a range of non-technical staff."
Craig Cameron, Hockey Canada
Craig Cameron
Director, Web and Digital Properties at Hockey Canada
Hockey Canada
"The platform provides a consistent user experience​ for our content team to easily make updates to movie/theatre details, content and metadata, news, blogs, contests and more."
Jeffrey Kent
Jeffrey Kent
Former Chief Technology Officer at Cineplex Entertainment
Cineplex Entertainment
“We have been working with Agility for just over two years. The easy-to-use platform provides the flexibility we need to easily create and publish content to all of our websites. Their excellent customer service team and online support library are great resources for our team to learn and grow with the Agility CMS platform.”
Andrea Di Tomas
Graphic Arts Technician at the English Montreal School Board

Next Steps

Take the next steps

We're ready when you are. Get started today, and choose the best learning path for you with Agility CMS.